


By Active Montgomery July 27, 2021

Summer is here, and parents and children alike are equally excited about the freedom and fun activities that come with the warm weather--especially after being isolated and cooped up for so long.

Although summer is associated with fun, there are a few not-so-fun things that come along with the warm weather. But don't fret, it is possible to have fun while staying safe. The precautions can keep your little ones safe during recreational activities this summer.

  • Practice Sun Safety- It is vital to protect kids from direct sunlight, which is why sunscreen plays an important role in summer safety, but it's only one way to guard against the sun. Wearing thin cotton and sleeved attire can help avoid sunburns. Sunburns can also happen on cloudy days. Remember to apply sunscreen if your child is outside for thirty minutes or more. Reapply every few hours to stay safe. 
  • Protection From Insects/Bugs- Whether you see them or not, bugs are everywhere and some insects like bees, mosquitoes or ticks are more than mere annoyances; they can be harmful. Insect repellent helps to safeguard against mosquitoes, which can carry the West Nile Virus and other diseases and ticks that cause Lyme disease. Remember, many insect repellents include DEET, an effective insecticide that can be toxic if consumed. If your insect repellent includes DEET, avoid putting it on the hands and face of your kiddos.
  • Prevention From Dehydration- Physical activity makes you thirsty, but often kids don't realize when they are thirsty. To avoid dehydration kids should drink five to ten ounces of water (or other fluids) every twenty minutes when they're playing outside.

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