
Frozen Chalk Paint

By PBS Kids August 13, 2021




Crush up the chalk. Starting with the small pieces that are already on their way to becoming dust is the easiest way to go! If you don't have super small chalk bits, break the whole sticks apart. Put them into the plastic bag, seal the bag tightly and then hit it on a hard surface until the chalk breaks up.


Sprinkle the chalk dust into an ice cube tray. Use one color in each compartment or layer a few different hues for contrast.


Add water to the chalk and freeze.


Pop the frozen cubes out and take them outside on a sunny day! You can also encourage your child to use the chalk paint on a piece of paper. As the ice melts, it will leave behind a beautiful chalky color. Try different kinds of paper for more fun!

Erica Loop is a mother, blogger and arts educator who spends her time getting messy with paints, glue, crayons and clay! She enjoys almost everything artsy and loves combining crafts with science, math and literacy lessons on her blog Mini Monets and Mommies.